Bankruptcy Law in Michigan - Bankruptcy Lawyer



Posted on: February 26th, 2014 by Jeff Thav

Personal Bankruptcy

Chapter 7

Jeffrey Thav - Thav Law Office - Attorney at LawChapter 7 Bankruptcy, sometimes called a straight bankruptcy, is a liquidation proceeding. The debtor turns over all non-exempt property to the bankruptcy trustee who then converts it to cash for distribution to the creditors. The debtor receives a discharge of all dischargeable debts usually within four months. In a great majority of cases, the debtor has no assets that would lose, so Chapter 7 will give that person a relatively quick fresh start. One of the main purposes of Bankruptcy Law is to give a person, who is hopelessly burdened with debt, a fresh start by wiping out his or her debts.

What are the most common reasons for filling Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

  • Unemployment
  • Large Medical Expenses
  • Serious Overextended Credit
  • Marital Problems
  • Large Unexpected Expenses

For Individuals filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy:

Individuals who reside, have a place of business, or own property in the United States may file for bankruptcy in a federal court under Chapter 7 (“straight bankruptcy”, or liquidation). Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, as with other bankruptcy chapters, is not available to individuals who have had bankruptcy cases dismissed within the prior 180 days under specified circumstances.

In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, the individual is allowed to keep certain exempt property. Most liens, however (such as real estate mortgages and security interests for car loans), survive. The value of property that can be claimed as exempt varies from state to state. Other assets, if any, are sold (”liquidated”) by the interim trustee to repay creditors. Many types of unsecured debt are legally discharged by the bankruptcy proceeding, but there are various types of debt that are not discharged in a Chapter 7. Common exceptions to discharge include child support, income taxes less than 3 years old and property taxes, student loans (unless the debtor prevails in a difficult-to-win adversary proceeding brought to determine the discharge ability of the student loan), and Fine (penalty) and restitution imposed by a court for any crimes committed by the debtor. Spousal support is likewise not covered by a bankruptcy filing nor are property settlements through divorce. Despite their potential non-discharge ability, all debts must be listed on bankruptcy schedules.

A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy stays on an individual’s credit report for 10 years from the date of filing the chapter 7 petition. This contrasts with a chapter 13 bankruptcy, which stays on an individual’s credit report for 7 years from the date of filing the chapter 13 petition. This may make credit less available and/or terms less favorable, although high debt can have the same effect. That must be balanced against the removal of actual debt from the filer’s record by the bankruptcy, which tends to improve creditworthiness. Consumer credit and creditworthiness is a complex subject, however. Future ability to obtain credit is dependent on multiple factors and difficult to predict.

To learn more about Chapter 7 bankruptcy and to see if it is the right solution for you, contact Attorney Jeffrey Thav today.

My Bankruptcy Lawyer
Serving Detroit, Southfield, Pontiac, Downriver, Wayne & Surrounding Areas
30150 Telegraph Rd. Suite 444
Southfield, Michigan 48025
Tel: 248-220-1430
Fax: 248-282-0756


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